Quality & Sustainability Feed

Energy efficiency target: 15 % in 15 years

The energy saving target of IREKS in Germany for 2024 is "15 % in 15 years"! With this, they want to build on the success of the 2019 target and continue to work on the energy efficiency.

Energy management is a focus topic for IREKS. The 11-member energy management team is constantly working on improving the energy efficiency as well as reducing the energy consumption.

For the period from 2010 to 2019, they had set themselves the goal of increasing the energy efficiency by 10 %. To achieve this, a wide variety of measures was developed, more than 100 of which had been implemented. In addition to numerous modernisation activities, these also include process and plant optimisations as well as various large-scale projects. Concrete examples are the conversion of the malt houses to condensing boiler technology or the new construction of entire production units such as the brewhouse, where the malt extract and sourdoughs are produced. But also smaller suggestions for improvement from employees, such as the installation of motion detectors or LED lights were taken into account.

Thus, the targeted milestone was met in 2019 and about 4,570 t of CO2 per year were saved. This is roughly equivalent to the average consumption of 1,200 households.

IREKS in Germany would like to build on this success with their new target, which was set for the period up to 2024. Even though it becomes increasingly challenging to find potential savings, the efficiency target is to be continued with an unchanged efficiency increase rate, i.e. 15 % in 15 years!