
IREKS U.K. Ltd. joined CBA Business Day Event 2023

On 14 June, the Craft Baker Association (CBA) Business Day took place at Euston square in London. The topic of the event? How to future-proof your business!

In the morning, the CBA welcomed their members and industry supporters, followed by the traditional part in which President Neil Woods (former IREKS employee) stepped down from his office while Patrick Wilkins was installed as National President 2023/24. Chairman Nick Harris and his Board of Directors informed the participants about how the CBA has been doing over the last year.

Then different speakers from various organisations shared their insights and expertise on the industry and trends. For example,  the members had the chance to ask questions about energy and industrial strategies. Additionally, they were able to listen to a media masterclass, focussing on the impact of social media to the industry. One speaker showed how to make local regulations simpler and fairer to become more successful with their CBA membership. The keynote speaker dealt with the question "what will the future really look like?" and took the audience on a journey beyond the retail's currently choppy waters.

During the breaks, the attendees used their time to network, and had a look at the different booths from industry exhibitors.
In the evening, delicious food and entertainment was arranged.